Saturday, February 15, 2020

The Artistic Impulse Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

The Artistic Impulse - Essay Example As Greek statuary progressed, so did a sense of individuality in the face of the statues. Attention was paid to the eyes, hair, facial features etc. giving the statue a sense of individualized life likeness. Early Renaissance sculpture marks a return to the classical period with the bronze statue David (1420-1450), created by Donatello for the Palazzo Medici courtyard. Donatello reinvented the classical nude by choosing to depict the biblical hero David, who slew Goliath, and not choosing a pagan God or athlete, as his contemporaries did. As such, the statue of David symbolizes the strength, culture and independence of the Florentine republic. David is a freestanding bronze statue and thus, is considered to be one of the first sculptures in the round, to represent the nude human form since ancient times. He stands in classical contrapposto style, [Student 2] with the weight of his body thrown to one foot creating tension on one side of the body and relaxation on the other. Standing w ith the Goliath’s head at his feet, Gardner (2006) likens the pose to that of a â€Å"hunter with his kill† (474). ... Less than half a century following Buonarroti’s completion of David, biographer Giorgio Vasari writes â€Å"without any doubt the figure has put in the shade every other statue, ancient or modern, Greek or Roman† (Gardner, 502), praising the technical and aesthetic value of the colossal statue. Like Donatello’s David, he is depicted in contrapposto style; however, Buonarroti chose to represent the young man before the victory, with his head turned to left and his face full of stern watchfulness. The prelude to action is most evident in the anatomy, revealing a certain psychological energy in the pose as one views his sturdy limbs, rugged torso and swelling veins. His whole body, as well as his facial features, is tense with collective power. Gardner (2006) observes â€Å"David exhibits the characteristic energy in reserve that imbues Michelangelo’s later figures with the tension of a coiled spring† (502), showing how this David differs from Donatell o’s in abandoning the self-contained composition that characterized 15th –century statuary. [Student 3] Baroque sculpture is not merely decorative, but educational in nature as well. In his sculpture David (1623), Baroque artist Gianlorenzo Bernini captures the spirit of this historical period with theatrical energy. Bernini’s work strives for a sense of unity between body, spirit, action and emotion, showing that â€Å"Baroque and the High Renaissance drew different lessons from ancient art† (Jansen, 2004, 686), however neither were more classical than the other. This three dimensional marble statue tries to focus on a very precise moment and differs dramatically from the relaxed figures of David rendered

Sunday, February 2, 2020

Global business and multinational firm module coursework Essay

Global business and multinational firm module coursework - Essay Example e better part of the 21st Century, there are corporations developing in other countries that have begun to aggressively assert themselves in the global economy in an attempt to further their own monetary interests. What this means is that while the ideology of globalisation used to only benefit a few countries, it is now benefiting many more and that is allowing for globalisation to be accepted in many more places than it was previously. Globalisation is no longer just a one-way process of benefits going from East to West, but it is now an ideology that can benefit all parts of the world equally if growth continues. If China was to become the world’s largest economy, the changes that would occur would be minimal, since China has a labour-based economy. International trade is something that will always be debated because it is interesting to see who has the advantages and why. The most common manner by which to explain the advantages that certain countries have over others in trade in by using a comparative advantage model. There will always be different scales because of the various differences between countries’ finances, education levels, population, demographics, resources, and other factors. China is a country that has traditionally been used for its labour, due to its extremely high population and its lack of good paying jobs. The variable in this situation is that Chinese companies are beginning to use globalisation to their advantage, with one such company being Acer, which is a computer company. Acer is the world’s fourth largest personal computer manufacturer and it also builds servers, storage devices, LCD monitors, high-definition TVs, peripherals, as well as provides â€Å"e-business solutions for busine ss, government, education, and home users† (About Acer). Acer also has developed a unique business model called the Channel Business Model which uses supply-chain management to ensure that new technologies, competitive pricing, and quality service